Welcome to my blog! I am a seasoned programmer with a passion for data and Microsoft SQL. My journey in the world of coding began during my high school and university days and since 2010, I have been working professionally with Microsoft SQL. Over the years, I have gained expertise in a variety of programming languages including PHP and C#, but my main focus remains with SQL, data analysis and visualization.
I am always eager to learn and keep up with new technologies, making me a constantly evolving programmer. In this blog, I aim to share my experiences and insights with you, providing valuable tips and tricks on Microsoft SQL and data management.
Why sqlkoala? Born in the Czech republic I moved in 2016 across the world to New Zealand and since 2019 I have been living in Melbourne, Australia. Koala defines Australia pretty well for the outside world and on top of that they are bloody cute, aren’t they?
You can send me an email if you want to.